Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
Here is a link example: http://www.mega-sound.be/adata/428.mp3
Actually, the first thing i've tried, is:
> types {
> application/octet-stream mp3;
> }
The only failure, is that with that, even CSS are downloaded (so, webste screwed up), and now I know that I HAVE to use "location".
I gave you an example link, the mp3 are in: /home/customer/www/adata/428.mp3, they're directly downloadable...
And poor me, the dev of CPNginx plugin told me that they don't support custom config, so they won't help me T_T
Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN.
Président-Fondateur de l'association (de loi 1901) Virtual-Info (http://www.virtual-info.info/), hébergeur Web et Serveurs de Jeux.
Consultant (http://rihan.fr/)-Technicien Supérieur en Informatique de Gestion.
Ambassadeur Qt (http://lyt.me/7E) (Projet Tag-PG (http://rihan.fr/fr/projets/tagpg)).
Le jeudi 29 mars 2012 à 01:15, locojohn a écrit :
> Adnan, if it doesn't set the "Content-Disposition" header as per my
> example, then it doesn't match the location in which this header is set..
> It is likely that some other location has preference and so the code I
> provided will never be triggered. Look into your nginx config more
> closely. Also, check the error log, do you get any warnings?
> Sometimes, PCRE library may throw a warning, maybe you can use
> alternative location syntax compatible with an older version of PCRE:
> ...
> location ~ /(?P<filename>(?!/).+\.mp3)$ {
> ...
> Are your mp3 links static at all?
> Andrejs
> Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,224499,224584#msg-224584
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