Hello Roberto,
Thank you for so cute plugin.
I'd tested the PHP-FPM and uWSGI-PHP at the same box. They can be configued to run at the same time to the same scripts.
I found from the scripts's spend time that PHP-FPM is a little faster than uWSGI-PHP, about 0.010ms ~0.030ms faster than uWSGI-PHP.
I wonder if is there any tips to optimize the options to compile the uWSGI to run PHP only no other plugins and unneccesary functions? And more, is there any options to make libphp5 better for speed?
Thank you very much.
> download 1.1 uWSGI sources:
> http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-1.1-snapshot5.tar.gz
> uncompress and move to the resulting directory and run
> make
> if all goes well you will end with a binary named 'uwsgi'
> then build the php plugin with
> python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/php
> finally run (always from the same dir)
> ./uwsgi -s :3031 --plugins php
> now point nginx to that port as described here:
> http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/PHP
> --
> Roberto De Ioris
> http://unbit.it
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