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Re: Nginx without access log

December 02, 2011 01:48AM
As I explored, simply removing access_log and error_log from nginx configuration makes the process for nginx more complicated; thus, it takes more time to complete the request. Instead, error_log should be turned off by
error_log /dev/null crit;

but how to turn off the access log?

And what is the best configuration to force nginx to conduct the main requests without dealing with side process (like creating logs). I want to compare the very basic action of nginx.
Subject Author Posted

Nginx without access log

etrader December 02, 2011 12:55AM

Re: Nginx without access log

etrader December 02, 2011 01:48AM

Re: Nginx without access log

Ruslan Ermilov December 02, 2011 02:04AM

Re: Nginx without access log

Valentin V. Bartenev December 07, 2011 08:10AM

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