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Disable buffering/caching of HTTP PUT upload requests in nginx proxy

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Pasi Kärkkäinen
November 23, 2011 02:12PM

During the upcoming days I'm going to try to implement a feature in nginx proxy
that allows disabling local disk buffering/caching of HTTP PUT upload requests,
e.g. allow directly stream the uploads to the backend server.

Right now I'm having problems because nginx proxy stores all the uploads temporarily
to the nginx server local disk, and thus fills up the disk when big files are being uploaded.

If someone has comments/ideas about this, feel free to write to me.
I'm currently in the process of getting familiar with nginx code
and the request 'flow' inside nginx.

I'll let you know how it goes :)


-- Pasi

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Disable buffering/caching of HTTP PUT upload requests in nginx proxy

Pasi Kärkkäinen November 23, 2011 02:12PM

Re: Disable buffering/caching of HTTP PUT upload requests in nginx proxy

Alexandr Gomoliako November 23, 2011 02:24PM

Re: Disable buffering/caching of HTTP PUT upload requests in nginx proxy

Pasi Kärkkäinen November 23, 2011 02:36PM

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