On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 06:55:40AM -0500, janedenone wrote:
> I recently updated to nginx 1.0.8 and tried to benchmark performance for
> cached dynamic pages (initially served by a Django app via proxy_pass)
> and for static pages. In both cases, nginx will not serve more than 3 or
> 4 requests (even without concurrent connections), so ab almost
> immediately reports:
> Benchmarking testsite.static (be patient)...apr_socket_recv: Connection
> reset by peer (54)
> It is only when choosing a maximum of 4 (or fewer) requests that ab
> finishes successfully.
> Why is that? I tried increasing the number of worker processes (no
> luck), but I assume that nginx should be capable of serving more than 4
> requests without tweaking any configuration variable. Could it be that I
> accidentally triggered some sort of DOS protection mechanism?
By default there are no anti-DoS protections are activated in
nginx. If you've activated some - it may be the reason. Looking
into error may shed some light on the issue.
Alternatively, it may be some other limits, e.g. your firewall
Maxim Dounin
nginx mailing list