Was able to figure it out after a fresh night of sleep and some more
googling; the reason it worked under /srv/http but not under
/home/public; was because in /etc/php/php-fpm.conf there was a
semi-hidden line for
and they were both set to http; which is fine for /srv/http/ cuz http
owns them; but since its a home directory, it needed to be
user public
group users
Thanks anyway guys; if nothing else you made me start looking at it
being php's fault instead of nginx's haha
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Sokolov Evgeniy <ewgraf@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> You can see blank page because you have display_errors=off in php.ini, or
> may be you haven't enough error_reporting level.
> Also I think this can be because php configured with suhosin path.
> 2011/10/24 Eric Griffith <egriffith92@gmail.com>
>> So I'm attempting to move my OwnCloud instance from Apache to Nginx
>> because I heard it was better on low-spec machines (the box is
>> basically a recycled desktop from like 2004; P4 + 1GB of RAM )
>> I've always run OwnCloud out of a home directory for ease of use with
>> samba and non-root privs. The tutorial I followed had me place it back
>> in /srv/http and it worked fine there; now I'm trying to figure out
>> why when I try to configure it back to /home, it DOESNT work.
>> The working config:
>> user http;
>> worker_processes 1;
>> #pid logs/nginx.pid;
>> events {
>> worker_connections 1024;
>> }
>> http {
>> include mime.types;
>> default_type application/octet-stream;
>> sendfile on;
>> #tcp_nopush on;
>> #keepalive_timeout 0;
>> keepalive_timeout 65;
>> #gzip on;
>> server {
>> listen 80;
>> server_name localhost;
>> location / {
>> root /srv/http/owncloud;
>> index index.html index.php;
>> }
>> location ~ \.php$ {
>> root /srv/http/owncloud;
>> fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
>> fastcgi_index index.php;
>> fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/http/owncloud/$fastcgi_script_name;
>> include fastcgi_params;
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> In that setup; its set to run via /srv/http/owncloud, under the user
>> http. And it works fine, displays the webpage no problem. (Complains
>> about not having permission to the database, but thats cuz its running
>> as http, and the database is set for public)
>> Below all I attempted to change was make it run via
>> /home/public/www/owncloud instead of /srv/http/owncloud, and under the
>> user public, group users.
>> user public users;
>> worker_processes 1;
>> #pid logs/nginx.pid;
>> events {
>> worker_connections 1024;
>> }
>> http {
>> include mime.types;
>> default_type application/octet-stream;
>> sendfile on;
>> #tcp_nopush on;
>> #keepalive_timeout 0;
>> keepalive_timeout 65;
>> #gzip on;
>> server {
>> listen 80;
>> server_name localhost;
>> location / {
>> root /home/public/www/owncloud;
>> index index.html index.php;
>> }
>> location ~ \.php$ {
>> root /home/public/www/owncloud;
>> fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
>> fastcgi_index index.php;
>> fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME
>> /home/public/www/owncloud/$fastcgi_script_name;
>> include fastcgi_params;
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> Using this config file, when i give the server's IP (
>> all I get is a blank page. No error messages, no warnings, nothing in
>> the log files. Just a blank page. if I give i192.168.0.101/index.php,
>> nothing changes. Anyone got any ideas as to what may be happening?
>> I've been staring at config files, and wiki's for the last 3hrs so it
>> may just need a fresh set of eyes.
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