On 10/11/11 9:01 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> Trying to upload a small .png to Drupal. PHP 5.3.8, CentOS 5.6 x64, nginx 1.1.3
Is this only happening with png's? Are you able to upload other types of
files? If so, I have seen this type of behavior before. It has happened
after PHP version upgrades. Darn near drove me crazy as I could never
trace it. It resolved with recompiling of php and all modules, including
pecl modules. Just a thought. YMMV, of course.
> Everything else seems to work fine, but can't seem to get any deeper
> information as to why anything is getting messed up. Not sure if the
> debug log has any hints or not.
> (note I also tried nginx 1.0.8) - does this debug log help with
> anything? or is this "probably PHP"?
> http://pastebin.com/E1kDBegW
> Thanks
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