On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 06:01:46PM -0700, Michael Shadle wrote:
> Trying to upload a small .png to Drupal. PHP 5.3.8, CentOS 5.6 x64, nginx 1.1.3
> Everything else seems to work fine, but can't seem to get any deeper
> information as to why anything is getting messed up. Not sure if the
> debug log has any hints or not.
> (note I also tried nginx 1.0.8) - does this debug log help with
> anything? or is this "probably PHP"?
> http://pastebin.com/E1kDBegW
The "recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading
response header from upstream" message suggests PHP closed
connection for some reason (died?) right after nginx sent request
to it. Looking more closes on php side is a way to go.
Maxim Dounin
nginx mailing list