Additional feedback to agentzh:
Everything seems to be working fine. However, a small configuration
error showed a potential problem in that the rewrite_by_lua directive
does not seem to take account of the rewrite module's "last" flag.
Contrived example:
# GET /sometext/xyz.html
server {
location @pretty_urls {
rewrite ^/sometext/xyz\.html$ /abc.html last;
# line below included by mistake and shouldn't have been there
# On the other hand, the hit above should mean it is not
called anyway
rewrite_by_lua 'ngx.exec("@proxy");';
location @proxy {
include /etc/nginx/firewall.default;
location ~ ^.+\.php$ {
content_by_lua 'ngx.exec("@proxy");';
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ @pretty_urls;
.... generates an error along the lines of ...
2011/10/14 20:10:26 [error] 17325#0: *16 lua handler aborted: runtime
error: attempt to call a nil value, blah, blah, blah".
As said, it was a misconfig but I would have expected that with the
earlier hit with the rewrite module, all further rewrites, including
ngx_lua's should stop.
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