On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Nginx User <nginx@nginxuser.net> wrote:
> It is a simplified config. I actually run lua's string.find first and
> test for a hit.
> I know ngx.re.match with the "i" modifier would be better but it does
> not work
The ngx.re API was first introduced in the v0.2.1rc11 release. There's
no wonder that it does not work for you because you're using v0.2.0 :)
> ... maybe I need to update lua module version. I thought I'll
> look into that later.
Surely you need. Please do that before other attempts :)
>> Which version of ngx_lua are you using? Please show me your "nginx -V"
>> output? And which OS are you using? I've tested your example with
>> ngx_lua git master HEAD on Slackware Linux x86_64 and do not have any
>> issues :)
> Centos 5.7 i386.
> lua module is 0.2.0
Sigh, your ngx_lua module is way too old :)
There's a bunch of important fixes regarding ngx.exec() and ngx.exit()
since the ngx_lua v0.2.0 release.
The latest version is v0.3.1rc9 and please try it out.
>> Also, enabling --with-debug in your nginx build and show me the
>> relevant sections of your error.log on the debug error log level will
>> be helpful too :)
> I'll get this later.
Please upgrade your ngx_lua module to the latest version before doing this :)
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