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Re: Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense and Some other widgets - help

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Reinis Rozitis
October 05, 2011 07:06AM
> Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense

To understand this correctly - theese requests aren't coming directly from
google servers (otherways unleast you put nginx as a proxy above google it
won't be able to cache anything)?

> The URLs that are not being cached are of this form:
> URI?id=parameter&h=parameter or URI?
> id=parameter&h=parameter&w=parameter

Can you show what the full request headers look like (for example with:
wget -S url)?

You have: proxy_cache_valid 200 1d;

which means that only 200 responses are cached and not for example 301 or
302 .. (you can try to remove '200' and see if the response is cached then).


nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense and Some other widgets - help

Alex October 04, 2011 08:28PM

Re: Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense and Some other widgets - help

Reinis Rozitis October 05, 2011 07:06AM

Re: Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense and Some other widgets - help

Alex October 05, 2011 10:16AM

Re: Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense and Some other widgets - help

Reinis Rozitis October 05, 2011 01:16PM

Re: Nginx does not Cache Google Adsense and Some other widgets - help

Alex October 06, 2011 10:10AM

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