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Re: fastcgi msg_id always 1?

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Maxim Dounin
September 29, 2011 03:36AM

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 03:15:55PM +0800, Shaun savage wrote:

> I was looking at the fastcgi, I found out that all fcgi request have a
> msg_id of 1?


> What happens when more than 1 fcgi requests comes in and first one is
> still being handled. how does the fcgi server know the the difference
> in requests? Usually each request has it own connection, but if
> keepalive is on the then many request can come in on the same connection.

The id is only need to be unique when multiple request exists in
parallel within a single connection. This is not the case even
with keepalive used.

Maxim Dounin

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

fastcgi msg_id always 1?

sv September 29, 2011 03:18AM

Re: fastcgi msg_id always 1?

Maxim Dounin September 29, 2011 03:36AM

Re: fastcgi msg_id always 1?

David Yu September 29, 2011 04:00AM

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