Happy birthday Igor.
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Pascal Nitsche <
pascal.nitsche@fansubcode.org> wrote:
> Happy Birthday Igor from Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany).
> Am 28.09.2011 13:35, schrieb Igor Sysoev:
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:20:21PM +0200, Antoine Bonavita wrote:
>>> Given the amount of times Sep 28th 1970 is mentioned in the nginx code
>>> (see below), I am putting a rough guess that this is your birthday.
>>> So, in this very special day, I wanted to thank you for your amazing
>>> little kid and I would have loved to buy you a beer but you're a bit
>>> far away. If you ever get near the south of France, I'll buy you one.
>>> Of course, I could be completely wrong.
>> You are right, this is my birthday. Thank you.
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