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Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

August 31, 2011 07:15AM
Brane F. Gračnar Wrote:
> You're removing Authorization request header
> before sending request to Apache
> server. That's why Apache cannot authenticate
> user.
> Comment-out the following line and try again:
> proxy_set_header Authorization "";

Hello Brane and thank you for your fast reply. I've commented the line and restarted NGINX; now the behaviour is:

1) I log to NGINX url and I give username and password. From backend Apache's access.log, with proxy_set_header Authorization ""; for NGINX disabled, now I see a log like this:

Aug 31 13:07:42 intranet intranet: "<BACKEND IP>" "<MY IP>, <NGINX IP>" "<NGINX USERNAME>" "[31/Aug/2011:13:07:42 +0200]" "GET / HTTP/1.0" "34" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.218 Safari/535.1"

And from Apache's error log I see:

[Wed Aug 31 13:07:42 2011] [warn] [client <BACKEND IP>] [2903] auth_ldap authenticate: user <NGINX USER> authentication failed; URI / [User not found][No such object]

So username and password for NGINX are forwarded also to Apache. These errors where not displayed with the directive enabled.


2) I provide username and password for Apache's backend then from NGINX error.log I receive this error:

2011/08/31 13:01:19 [error] 6541#0: *5 user "<BACKEND USER>" was not found in "/etc/nginx/htpasswd", client: <my IP>, server: <NGINX IP>, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "<NGINX IP>"

NGINX tries to find the <BACKEND USER> credentials provided into /etc/nginx/htpasswd, insted of forward the request to the backend server.
Subject Author Posted

Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

ssaravalli August 31, 2011 06:07AM

Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

Brane F. Gračnar August 31, 2011 06:48AM

Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

ssaravalli August 31, 2011 07:15AM

Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

Igor Sysoev August 31, 2011 08:28AM

Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

ssaravalli September 01, 2011 10:19AM

Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

Maxim Dounin September 01, 2011 10:52AM

Re: Issue with NGINX as reverse proxy with basic auth in front of Apache with basic auth

ssaravalli September 02, 2011 02:09AM

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