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proxy_cache_path growing beyond max_size

August 19, 2011 03:11PM

I've read documentation about proxy_cache_path, proxy_temp_path and client_body_temp_path directives but I'm a bit confused about proxy cache size and clean up cache manager process. Using tools like skipfish to test website security give me lot of 404 errors, which is a normal, but setting proxy_cache_valid to a tiny value, around 1m, always causes cache increased beyond limits. So, here is my settings:

proxy_cache_path /var/cache/proxy/proxy_cache levels=2:2:2 keys_zone=cache_local:2m max_size=200m inactive=1d;
client_body_temp_path /var/cache/proxy/client_body_temp 2 2 2
proxy_temp_path /var/cache/proxy/proxy_temp 2 2 2;

proxy_cache_path always grows above 200m and fill up entire FS until it runs out of space. Is cache manager process should keep it with enough space, right? What am I doing wrong ?

Subject Author Posted

proxy_cache_path growing beyond max_size

morpheu August 19, 2011 03:11PM

Re: proxy_cache_path growing beyond max_size

gaima August 24, 2011 11:22AM

Re: proxy_cache_path growing beyond max_size

Maxim Dounin August 25, 2011 11:46AM

Re: proxy_cache_path growing beyond max_size

philipp September 16, 2011 07:37AM

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