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Minify and Gzip

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Cédric Jeanneret
August 09, 2011 10:04AM

I just wanted to share a perl script I made for nginx. Its aim is to:
- minify CSS (and by a simple modification JS)
- deflate it
- keep it as a local file

It's based on the nice http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxEmbeddedPerlMinifyJS
with the use of IO::Compress::Gzip.

Any comment/improvement is welcome.



== Script ==

package CSSMinify;
use nginx;
use CSS::Minifier qw(minify);
use IO::Compress::Gzip ;

sub handler {
my $r=shift;
my $cache_dir="/tmp"; # Cache directory where minified file will be
my $cache_file=$r->uri;
$cache_file=join("/", $cache_dir, $cache_file);
my $uri=$r->uri;
my $filename=$r->filename;
return DECLINED unless -f $filename;

$r->header_out('Cache-Control', '30d, must-revalidate');
return OK if $r->header_only;
if (! -f $cache_file) {
open(INFILE, $filename) or die "Error reading file: $!";
my $output = minify(input => *INFILE);
my $gz = new IO::Compress::Gzip($cache_file, Minimal => 1,
AutoClose => 1, Append => 0) or return 0;
print $gz $output;

return OK;

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Subject Author Posted

Minify and Gzip

Cédric Jeanneret August 09, 2011 10:04AM

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