On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 01:39:33AM -0400, davidkazuhiro wrote:
> Wait I'm confused... how do you know these tests were done with EDCHE
> ciphers?
This is just a guess based on ciphers OpenSSL 1.0.0d prefers by
default when working with nginx and stunell.
> And if they were, how did he do them if nginx doesn't support
Forcing cipher to be what equally supported by all programs
tested. Good testing programs even have switches to specify that.
E.g. numbers are from virtual machine on my poor old P4 laptop,
stunnel passing connections to nginx, using cipher as selected by
my browser during real work:
$ http_load -cipher CAMELLIA256-SHA -parallel 10 -seconds 10 stunnel
540 fetches, 10 max parallel, 23220 bytes, in 10.008 seconds
43 mean bytes/connection
53.9568 fetches/sec, 2320.14 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 2.12899 mean, 24.401 max, 0.196 min
msecs/first-response: 105.195 mean, 414.064 max, 23.386 min
HTTP response codes:
code 200 -- 540
And here is nginx proxy_pass'ing to itself, same cipher:
$ http_load -cipher CAMELLIA256-SHA -parallel 10 -seconds 10 nginx
766 fetches, 10 max parallel, 32938 bytes, in 10.0081 seconds
43 mean bytes/connection
76.538 fetches/sec, 3291.13 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 1.62532 mean, 22.692 max, 0.262 min
msecs/first-response: 79.0284 mean, 239.204 max, 21.643 min
HTTP response codes:
code 200 -- 766
And as a reference point, direct requests to non-ssl nginx (used
as backend in both tests above):
$ http_load -parallel 10 -seconds 10 nossl
7536 fetches, 10 max parallel, 324048 bytes, in 10.0008 seconds
43 mean bytes/connection
753.542 fetches/sec, 32402.3 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 0.70163 mean, 30.059 max, 0.02 min
msecs/first-response: 6.044 mean, 48.126 max, 0.281 min
HTTP response codes:
code 200 -- 7536
So you may see nginx is a bit faster than stunnel when
CAMELLIA256-SHA cipher used. On the other hand, using default
ciphers would produce something like this:
$ http_load -parallel 10 -seconds 10 stunnel
243 fetches, 10 max parallel, 10449 bytes, in 10.0243 seconds
43 mean bytes/connection
24.2411 fetches/sec, 1042.37 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 2.03381 mean, 18.384 max, 0.188 min
msecs/first-response: 239.767 mean, 628.098 max, 68.431 min
HTTP response codes:
code 200 -- 243
(actually used cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA)
$ http_load -parallel 10 -seconds 10 nginx
144 fetches, 10 max parallel, 6192 bytes, in 10.0126 seconds
43 mean bytes/connection
14.3818 fetches/sec, 618.418 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 1.44656 mean, 12.673 max, 0.427 min
msecs/first-response: 395.734 mean, 836.928 max, 124.105 min
HTTP response codes:
code 200 -- 144
(actually used cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA)
Here you can see that ECDHE cipher is about 2x times faster
compared to DHE. I believe this is what actually was observed by
author of test you've referenced. Both are 3x times slower than
CAMELLIA256-SHA as shown above though.
And again, disclaimer: all of the above tests ssl handshaking
speeds, not real https workload. Real workloads are expected
to be much different.
Maxim Dounin
nginx mailing list