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lua back-end load balancing

Richard Kearsley
June 09, 2011 07:42PM
I'm using nginx-lua to get some info from a back end "auth" server for each request
The back end server is a simple http server written by myself - i.e. it is nowhere near as fast or as optimised as nginx and can therefore be considered a bottleneck
I could run multiple backend server instances to give it a better chance of keeping up (i.e. one per cpu core) - but then I'd need to load balance (only round-robin style) to the multiple backends in my lua code.
Is there something I can do in lua code to accomplish this?

Many thanks as always

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

lua back-end load balancing

Richard Kearsley June 09, 2011 07:42PM

Re: lua back-end load balancing

agentzh June 10, 2011 12:32AM

RE: lua back-end load balancing

Richard Kearsley June 10, 2011 07:06AM

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