On 3 Jun 2011 02h22 WEST, nginx-forum@nginx.us wrote:
> OK, I did this:
> 1. Rebuilt nginx with "with-debug"
This is to be done in the configure phase of the build. It's not a
configuration thing. The only thig needed in the config is the debug
flag in the error_log directive.
You're confusing two very different things.
> 2. Added another line to my nginx.conf:
> debug_connection MY IP ADDRESS;
This means that only the requests from this IP generate the debug
log. You need to build a local version on a dev box and debug the
configuration there.
> 3. Then restarted the server.
A simple reload will do.
> My error_log and access_log are still empty after I visit several
> pages of the website.
> What else do I need to do?
--- appa
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