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show nginx, expert.io Marketplace for your expertise!

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March 04, 2011 07:47PM
Hi, fellow nginx users!

I started learning nginx this year and here is a small project I built using nginx as web server.
Marketplace for your expertise

But I do have some question to ask if it is appropriate. As I am using nginx as the front end, it would sometimes show a 502 error which I have no idea what it is about.
The system is deployed with gunicorn + gevent.

Please leave any comment or suggestion!

Thank you for your time.


Subject Author Posted

show nginx, expert.io Marketplace for your expertise!

expertio March 04, 2011 07:47PM

Re: show nginx, expert.io Marketplace for your expertise!

Maxim Dounin March 05, 2011 05:10AM

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