> A more efficient way of doing this is :
I do not see why. I am specifying "return 403" 3 times vs once. I was it
doing it this way before and did not think it was so efficient.
Here is my full config
server {
> listen 80;
> server_name ---;
> root /home/website/www/---/public/;
> index index.php index.html index.htm;
> # Logs
> access_log /home/website/www/---/log/access.log combined;
> error_log /home/website/www/---/log/error.log warn;
> # Protect certain directories.
> location ~* ^/(library|conf|appg) {
> return 403;
> }
> # Cache forum assets for as long as possible.
> location ~* \.(css|js|gif|ico)$ {
> expires max;
> add_header Cache-Control private;
> break;
> }
> location ~* \.php$ {
> fastcgi_pass;
> fastcgi_index index.php;
> fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME
> $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
> include fastcgi_params;
> }
> }
Thank you for the quick response.
2009/10/28 Marcus Clyne <maccaday@gmail.com>
> Mathew Davies wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am having trouble with a location regular expression.
>> location ~* ^/(library|conf|appg) {
>> return 403;
>> }
>> A more efficient way of doing this is :
> location ^~ /library {
> return 403;
> }
> location ^~ /conf {
> return 403;
> }
> location ^~ /appg {
> return 403;
> }
> since it checks the URLs using string comparison (rather than regexes) and
> will halt location-searching immediately if it matches one of the above
> locations.
>> It is my understanding the following regular expression should match any
>> uri starting with library, conf or appg. However, this is not the case.
>> For instance.
>> http://domain.com/appg/
>> will match fine where as
>> http://domain.com/appg/.file
>> wont match (causing the file to be downloaded)
>> Am I doing something inherently wrong or is this a bug in Nginx?
> There's probably some other location directive in your conf that is
> matching http://domain.com/appg/.file. If you don't want to use the more
> efficient, static locations above, try posting your full conf file.
> Marcus.