On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:15 PM, frankiekam <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:
> Hi
> Anyone experienced running Moodle under Nginx instead of Apache?
Moodle runs just fine (as fine as it can, I am not a fan)
> If yes,
> 1) how to get fastest possible Moodle access under Nginx?
I don't think it requires anything special off the top of my head. If
it supports friendly URLs, then you'd need to add in whatever rewrite
for that.
> 2) I thought Nginx doesn't handle dynamic pages well?
nginx doesn't handle it, it proxies the FastCGI request off. I
recommend PHP-FPM. I have used this combo for years, and Moodle
underneath that as well for probably going on two years now.
> 3) Can I do away with Apache then?
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