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Re: keep-alive connection cause download hangs in Nginx after 0.7.67

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June 24, 2011 10:40AM

I had the exact same issues you are describing. I use nginx to reverse proxy to an application server backend running Windows+Apache+PHP. If keepalive_timeout was non-zero, PDF downloads would hang on our website. If we set it to zero, everything worked perfectly. However, we run all our sites on SSL exclusively; The overhead of doing SSL Negotiation for every single HTTP request was hurting performance significantly.

I noticed that the length of "hang" of the download was directly proportional to the value of keepalive_timeout. If the keepalive was set to 60, it would take 60 seconds before the download appeared to "finish". If it was 75, it appeared to the client that the download took 75 seconds.

When inspecting the headers for the PDF response, I realized the issue. "Content-Encoding: gzip". Why is this an issue? Because when the "Content-Length" header is computed on the backend in PHP, it is computing the length BEFORE it was gzipped. So, there is a difference between the "Content-Length" and the size of what is actually sent to the client. The actual amount of data sent to the client was gzipped, and SMALLER than the "Content-Length" header.

In my case, PHP had zlib.output_compression set to "On", which compressed and altered the size of the PDF, making it smaller. Therefore, the client was waiting for data that wasn't there. The client received all the data, but didn't know it. It was waiting for the additional bytes. When the connection timed out (keepalive_timeout), it finally "finished" successfully (although the client already had 100% of the data).

When keepalive_timeout was 0, nginx would close the connection immediately because nginx knew the request was complete- regardless of what Content-Length says- thus signalling the client to stop waiting for additional data.

I would suggest making sure the data sent to the client is actually equal to what the "Content-Length" header says. Your application code could be inadvertently compressing it (like PHP was doing for me) or your backend webserver could be doing it (like Apache). I turned zlib compression Off in php.ini on my application server, let nginx do gzip for HTML data (nothing is modifying the PDFs anymore), and it completely resolved the issue. My keepalive_timeout is set to 60 and performance has improved dramatically since we eliminated countless SSL Negotiation steps.

Hope this helps!
Subject Author Posted

keep-alive connection cause download hangs in Nginx after 0.7.67

WilliamOMS January 27, 2011 10:48AM

Re: keep-alive connection cause download hangs in Nginx after 0.7.67

Maxim Dounin January 27, 2011 12:32PM

Re: keep-alive connection cause download hangs in Nginx after 0.7.67

WilliamOMS January 27, 2011 02:25PM

Re: keep-alive connection cause download hangs in Nginx after 0.7.67

Rainer Duffner January 27, 2011 02:44PM

Re: keep-alive connection cause download hangs in Nginx after 0.7.67

Slash June 24, 2011 10:40AM

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