Hey guys,
I'm trying to configure trac with nginx. I'm using nginx_auth_mysql to
authenticate trac users against a mysql database so I have to use FCGI to
call trac instead of a proxy pass to tracd. The problem I'm having with this
setup is that I have to add a location for each trac repository if I want
them to work. I've been trying to find a workaround for this. Here's what I
have so far.
server_name trac.joejacobs.org;
location ~ ^/(.*)/login {
auth_mysql_realm "Trac Login";
auth_mysql_host "localhost";
auth_mysql_user "db_user";
auth_mysql_password "db_pass";
auth_mysql_database "db_name";
auth_mysql_table "db_user_table";
auth_mysql_password_column "db_user_pass";
auth_mysql_user_column "db_user_name";
auth_mysql_encryption_type "md5";
fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
fastcgi_param TRAC_ENV
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /pytwit;
include trac_fcgi.conf;
location ~ ^/(.*) {
fastcgi_param TRAC_ENV
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /project;
include trac_fcgi.conf;
the url for a repository will be http://trac.joejacobs.org/project
I want the project name to be a variable. As you can see I've tried placing
the project path in brackets but that obviously doesn't work. What am I
doing wrong here?
Joe Jacobs