i thought nginx listened on port 80 by default. couldn't you just not
explicitly define it?
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Tristan Griffiths
<tristan.griffiths@stomp.com.au> wrote:
> Greetings.
> We would like to setup our Nginx instances in a HA pair. Using
> Heartbeat, we have Nginx listening on virtual addresses on the active
> server.
> On the passive server, we cannot get Nginx to start up because those
> virtual (or floating) address are not configured on the server until
> Heartbeat detects a failover condition.
> Is Nginx able to bind to a non-local IP address? We've tried setting the
> ip_nonlocal_bind kernel option with no luck.
> Some important information:
> # nginx -v
> nginx version: nginx/0.7.53
> Starting nginx: [emerg]: bind() to failed (98: Address
> already in use)
> CentOS 5.3
> <config>
> server {
> listen default;
> </config>
> Any other settings we should provide?
> OT: Many thanks for the excellent software.
> Thanks,
> Griff