Frank Church
November 02, 2010 08:42PM
I have configured the virtual host with a custom php.ini which has the
error_log value configured, but the file is empty, it is not created at

Does the FastCGI have another way to log the PHP errors?

Frank Church

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Is there are way to log PHP errors in fastcgi?

Frank Church November 02, 2010 08:42PM

Re: Is there are way to log PHP errors in fastcgi?

Frank Church November 03, 2010 08:02PM

Re: Is there are way to log PHP errors in fastcgi?

Flavio Torres November 03, 2010 08:24PM

Re: Is there are way to log PHP errors in fastcgi?

vesperto November 03, 2010 08:28PM

Re: Is there are way to log PHP errors in fastcgi?

Frank Church November 05, 2010 07:54AM

Re: Is there are way to log PHP errors in fastcgi?

任晓磊 November 04, 2010 02:14AM

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