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multy subdomain

Andrius Semionovas
April 25, 2009 11:35AM
my configuration is:

server {
listen 80;
server_name www.domain.com main.domain.com test.domain.com

if ($host = 'www.domain.com') {
root /www/server;
access_log logs/www.domain.com.log main;
if ($host = 'main.domain.com') {
root /www/main;
access_log logs/main.domain.com.log main;
if ($host = 'test.domain.com') {
root /www/test;
access_log logs/test.domain.com.log main;
if ($host = 'hight.domain.com') {
root /www/hight;
access_log logs/hight.domain.com.log main;

location / {
index index.php index.html index htm;
location /banner/ {
root /www/server;
autoindex on;
location ~ .php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/wwwserver/php/socket;
include fastcgi.conf;
location ~ phpinfo.php$ {
deny all;
location ~ do((0[1-9])|([1-9][0-9])).php {
deny all;
location = /nginx_status {
stub_status on;
access_log off;
deny all;
location = /chat {
rewrite ^/chat(.*)$ /chat.php$1 break;
root /www/chat;
fastcgi_pass unix:/wwwserver/php/socket;
include fastcgi-main.conf;
location /userbar/ {
rewrite ^/userbar/(.*)\.png$ /userbar.php?id=$1 break;
fastcgi_pass unix:/wwwserver/php/socket;
include fastcgi-main.conf;

but i get error:

2009/04/25 18:28:04 [emerg] 15472#0: "root" directive is not allowed here
in /server/nginx/conf/virtual/www.domain.com:15

I want, each subdomain will but run from /www/<sudomain_name , but i not
know how i can split adress into root, and if { root ****** } not work.
'IF' need but into location

Sorry for my bad english
Subject Author Posted

multy subdomain

Andrius Semionovas April 25, 2009 11:35AM

Re: multy subdomain

Igor Sysoev April 25, 2009 11:55AM

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