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Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

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October 21, 2010 12:52PM
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:57 AM, helen <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:23:46 -0400, Pierre-Marie Baty  wrote:
>> When the URL is Latin-1 encoded, the request sent is : GET
>> /%e9t%e9-2008.jpg ----> nginx resolves this to "été-2008.jpg", the
> file
>> is served, OK
>> When the URL is UTF-8 encoded, the request sent is : GET
>> /%C3%A9t%C3%A9-2008.jpg ----> nginx resolves this to
> "été-2008.jpg",
>> and the file is not served. (file not found)

except that it works the exact reverse in my side. Are you sure the
filename for the file in the filesystem stored in utf-8 format?

setting LANG to en_US.UTF-8 may help. (eg. "LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ls" in a
bash shells)

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Subject Author Posted

nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Pierre-Marie Baty October 20, 2010 09:28PM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

helen October 20, 2010 09:57PM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

helen October 20, 2010 10:32PM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Maxim Dounin October 21, 2010 03:34AM

RE: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Pierre-Marie Baty October 21, 2010 10:32AM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Maxim Dounin October 21, 2010 11:16AM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

edogawaconan October 21, 2010 12:52PM

RE: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Pierre-Marie Baty October 21, 2010 05:14PM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Maxim Dounin October 21, 2010 07:28PM

Re: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

edogawaconan October 21, 2010 08:44PM

RE: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Pierre-Marie Baty October 22, 2010 04:28AM

RE: nginx doesn't handle different URL encodings well

Pierre-Marie Baty October 22, 2010 05:34AM

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