September 21, 2010 01:42PM
Okay that makes sense, except, why do we expose that to the user in the configuration files? Why make the user ensure that only one server configuration specifies the "ssl" listen option, when the "ssl on/off" can be specified without errors?

I would like to have my server blocks be independent of each other, so that I can have a complete specification of what I want to happen for that virtual server without relying on another server block to get that to happen.

It would be nice to be able to use [code]listen 443 ssl;[/code] in all of my server blocks (we keep them in separate files since they represent independent projects and code bases) as a way to describe that should be in SSL mode, if it is not already.

It should still be an error if I have one server block with the ssl option and one without, but when they all have the same option, what problem are we trying to alert the user to?

Thanks for engaging in this discussion. I appreciate it.

Sincerely, -peter
Subject Author Posted

Why can't I use the "ssl" modified on more than one listen statement?

portante September 21, 2010 11:39AM

Re: Why can't I use the "ssl" modified on more than one listen statement?

Maxim Dounin September 21, 2010 12:10PM

Re: Why can't I use the "ssl" modified on more than one listen statement?

portante September 21, 2010 01:42PM

Re: Why can't I use the "ssl" modified on more than one listen statement?

portante September 21, 2010 01:44PM

Re: Why can't I use the "ssl" modified on more than one listen statement?

portante September 25, 2010 11:00AM

Re: Why can't I use the "ssl" modified on more than one listen statement?

Igor Sysoev September 27, 2010 06:14AM

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