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Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

October 09, 2009 02:14PM
On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 05:30:19PM +0200, Dinh Pham wrote:

> I have come across an article whose author claimed that his web server
> can handle 10 000 requests per second. Because I am far from expert on
> high performance web servers so I would like to ask you if his
> benchmarks has any flaw or his web server is too simple to be slow?
> I have never thought that a LISP-based implementation can be as fast as
> C-based implementations such as Nginx. Is there any magic here?
> You can read his article here http://john.freml.in/teepeedee2-c10k

On notebook running FreeBSD 7.0 on Pentium M 1.70GHz using configuration:

server {
listen 8000;
return 404;
access_log off;

I have got these results via localhost:

ab -n 30000 -c 10 ~8200 r/s
ab -n 30000 -c 10 -k ~20000 r/s

This means that this microbenchmark tests mostly TCP connection
establishment via localhost: keepalive is 2.4 faster.

Igor Sysoev
Subject Author Posted

10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Dinh Pham October 09, 2009 02:14PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Akins, Brian October 09, 2009 04:06PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

anomalizer October 24, 2009 01:02PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Denis Filimonov October 09, 2009 02:14PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Asif Ali October 31, 2009 02:22PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 09, 2009 02:14PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 09, 2009 02:14PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Zev Blut October 28, 2009 10:44PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 29, 2009 02:54AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Maxim Dounin October 29, 2009 06:44AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 29, 2009 06:58AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 30, 2009 03:00AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Akins, Brian October 24, 2009 01:30PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Chris Zimmerman October 24, 2009 02:20PM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Akins, Brian October 30, 2009 09:22AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 30, 2009 09:32AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Akins, Brian October 30, 2009 10:36AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Igor Sysoev October 30, 2009 10:46AM

Re: 10 000 req/s: tpd2 - why it is so fast?

Akins, Brian October 30, 2009 12:16PM

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