I am running Nginx 0.7.67 with the Memc and Echo 3rd party modules in trying to follow http://agentzh.org/misc/slides/nginx-conf-scripting/nginx-conf-scripting.html#35.
I want to serve some static files from memcached and am trying a self updating setup as in the following pseudocode:
if request for specified files {
if in memcache {
serve from memcache
} else {
try to put into memcache
try to serve from memcache
if unable to serve from memcache {
proxy to apache
I will actually prefer to do this...:
if request for specified files {
if in memcache {
serve from memcache
} else {
try to put into memcache
try to serve from memcache
if unable to serve from memcache {
[b]try to serve from disk[/b]
if unable to serve from memcache {
proxy to apache
...but started to get too complicated and I can get to that after I manage to get it working in the first place
The relevant portion of my conf file is...:
location ~* ^.+\.(jpe?g|gif|png|css|js|ico|swf|dat|xml)$ {
set $memc_cmd 'get';
set $memc_key '$scheme://$host$request_uri';
add_header X-Memc-Flags $memc_flags;
error_page 404 = @add-and-retry;
error_page 502 = @fallback;
log_not_found off;
access_log /dev/null main;
location @add-and-retry {
echo_location /memc?cmd=add&key='$scheme://$host$request_uri'&val=$document_root$uri&exptime=0;
echo_location /memc?cmd=get&key='$scheme://$host$request_uri';
location /memc {
set $memc_cmd $arg_cmd;
set $memc_key $arg_key;
set $memc_value $arg_val;
set $memc_exptime $arg_exptime;
error_page 404 502 = @fallback;
location @fallback {
log_not_found off;
access_log /dev/null main;
# proxy params
include /etc/nginx/proxy.default;
...but these files do not get served at all. I.E. it doesn't even get passed to apache.
Please help unravel or suggest alternative(s).