Hi, I'm having a problem with nginx after upgrading php-fpm from PHP version 5.3.2 > 5.3.3 (internal php-fpm version 0.6.0 > 0.6.5)
After doing the upgrade a "pretty URL's" fastcgi_pass I use no longer works, now php-fpm does not care about the URL's, so it is very strange if that would be the culprit, I've asked the php-fpm guys without getting anywhere, I've also looked for it's changelog for versions 0.6.0 > 0.6.5 without luck...
This is the rewrite I use:
## Forum Archive fastCGI pass
location /vb/all/ {
rewrite ^/vb/all/windows/(.*)$ /vb/all/windows?$1 break;
rewrite ^/vb/all /vb/all/windows/ permanent;
fastcgi_pass unix:/dev/shm/php.sock;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/vb/all/windows;
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
So you see the file named "windows" without extension is my PHP file, with php 5.3.2 this works great, you can see it live here: http://www.techspot.com/vb/all
But with php 5.3.3 it fails, I'm linking a log excerpt of the error
The top part is where it is working
And below that my internal testserver with the updated PHP where it is not working...