Hi all
I tried to setup nginx with the uwgsi module to a pylons application which runs via the uWGSI Server according to following tutorial: http://tonylandis.com/python/deployment-howt-pylons-nginx-and-uwsgi/
However when i try to access the pylons application all links which were created with the pylon's url object are messed up (double slash "//" at the beginning instead of one slash "/")
If i use following code to generate the url for the current pylons "page":
I get "//CURRENT_URL" instead of "/CURRENT_URL"
I tried it even with a fresh pylons app, to make sure that none of my routing entries are responsible for this behavior.
It seems that the SCRIPT_NAME "/" is added at the beginning of each URL somehow.
I don't think my problem is related to the uWSGI Server because when i try to access the uWSGI served pylons app via Cherokee the links are fine.
I would be thankful for any ideas or hints.
I used following versions:
nginx: 0.8.47-0
pylons: 1.0 (but same problem with 0.9.7)
Thanks in advance