Momchil Ivanov Wrote:
> На Saturday 18 April 2009 19:02:19 AMP Admin
> написа:
> > To apply the patch run:
> >
> > #cat patch.php-fpm | patch -d php-5.2.9 -p1
> you don't really need cat here:
> patch -d php-5.2.9 -p1 < patch.php-fpm
I believe the result is the same.
Correct me if I am wrong.
> >
> > I use the following configuration options for 32
> bit CentOS 5.2:
> >
> > '--enable-fastcgi' '--enable-fpm'
> '--enable-force-cgi-redirect'
> > '--with-mcrypt' '--with-zlib'
> '--enable-mbstring' '--with-openssl'
> > '--with-mysql' '--with-mysqli'
> '--with-mysql-sock' '--with-gd'
> > '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-bz2'
> '--with-curl'
> > '--with-freetype-dir=/usr'
> '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-pspell'
> > '--with-sqlite' '--enable-pdo'
> '--enable-reflection' '--with-gettext'
> > '--enable-soap' '--enable-dom' '--with-png-dir'
> '--with-mhash'
> > '--with-mcrypt'
> You should also use
> --prefix=/usr/local/php-fpm-5.2.9 or something
> else, just
> to have it in a separate directory, otherwise you
> mess up your system
I specifically stated the OS for which these instructions were meant (CentOS 5.2 - 32 bit). Following them to the letter, php and php-cgi will be installed in /usr/local/bin/ and php-fpm in /usr/local/sbin/. php-fpm.conf will be in /usr/local/etc/. php.ini will need to be in /usr/local/lib/.
In a stock CentOS php is in /usr/bin/ and php.ini in /etc/. I have done it this way now in dozens of servers and it has not "messed up" any systems. I use different options in 64 bit CenOS but they amount to the same basic thing.
> Momchil
Jim Ohlstein