Well magento is not known to be the best piece of software.
I may be working with magento and nginx soon but not sure. Was looking forward to seeing how I could tame that beast.
Php-fpm itself isn't a memory hog it's a combination of the php built-ins, modules, and configuration and then the code itself. I have certain pools that average more ram per process than others - it is most likely due to apc usage and/or just the underlying php code. My pool averages less because I write pretty tight php code; another client runs a vbulletin forum with lots of addons and his memory usage per php process is much higher.
On Aug 4, 2010, at 7:53 AM, Raina Gustafson <raina@thequeensmen.com> wrote:
> As I mentioned, I don't really know what I'm doing.
> This is where I got my initial configuration from, though, in the
> Magento forums. Perhaps the user who posted there can shed some light?
> http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/7931/#t211050
> Hope that helps. Once I do get this sorted out in a way that is
> satisfactory to me, I will post on the wikis. I'll post the steps I've
> taken to compile and install the latest versions of PHP, Nginx and
> MySQL for Magento, too, as there were a few sticky bits involved. The
> information floating around on Nginx+Magento isn't exactly abundant.
> I'm going to try and get things working with APC cache and/or Varnish,
> too, before I consider this work done. Right now, PHP-FPM is being a
> total memory hog, even on my virtual server that has no traffic and
> just one default Magento installation. Not quite sure how to tackle
> that yet, either. I personally do like Magento a lot, though
> optimizing it for performance is a chore!
> Thanks again for your time!
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 5:16 AM, Michael Shadle <mike503@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Raina Gustafson <raina@thequeensmen.com> wrote:
>>> Ok, great. I just noticed that the Magento config listed on the Nginx
>>> Wiki is way different than the one I'd grabbed from the Magento
>>> forums. I'll wade through those differences in a little while and see
>>> if I can reconcile them intelligently.
>> btw where do you define this value?
>> fastcgi_param HTTPS $fastcgi_https;
>> I don't see any place in the nginx source code where $fastcgi_https is
>> a legitimate variable. are you defining it yourself somewhere else?
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