I'm having problems with rewrite, I have to download the Apache server for a current ngix but I'm finding some errors with rewrite
rewrite ^/http-bind/ http://www.xxx.com:1010/http-bind/ break;
rewrite ^/ws-chat/(.*)$ http://yyy.xxx.com/$1 break;
www.dominio.com/http-bind/ -> http://www.xxx.com:1010/http-bind/
www.dominio.com/ws-chat/ -> http://yyy.xxx.com/$1
Upon request it changes the field, he must not change as it is done in the apache example below.
RewriteRule ^/http-bind/ http://www.xxx.com:1010/http-bind/ [P]
RewriteRule ^/ws-chat/(.*)$ http://yyy.xxx.com/$1 [P,QSA]
www.dominio.com/http-bind/ -> www.dominio.com/http-bind/
www.dominio.com/ws-chat/ -> www.dominio.com/ws-chat/