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Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

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September 30, 2009 04:24PM
Hi Héctor,

The app works ok, so Apache and Nginx are running.
It is just that I need to keep the index.php file to make it work :)
For example, i have

But it should work without index.php
Subject Author Posted

Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

illarra September 30, 2009 01:01PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

Gabriel Ramuglia September 30, 2009 01:28PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

hdanniel September 30, 2009 01:28PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

illarra September 30, 2009 02:01PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

illarra September 30, 2009 02:16PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

hdanniel September 30, 2009 03:14PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

illarra September 30, 2009 04:24PM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

illarra October 01, 2009 04:25AM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

tycjan October 22, 2010 11:41AM

Re: Nginx proxying to Apache: what about mod_rewrite?

Jeff Waugh September 30, 2009 01:38PM

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