We are upgrading from Nginx 1.22.0 to Nginx 1.24.0. We have an upstream node server that is sending both "Content-Length" and "Transfer-Encoding" headers in the response which eventually causes the client to fail with a 502 error in 1.24.0 but it works fine in 1.22.0.
Here is the access log from the node app location block:
|LOG_LINE| 29/Jul/2024:13:04:38 +0000 [presentation.access.cn_name:<session_id>: REQUEST ID=<request_id>] { uri: "/aries-presentation/", status: "200", referer: "-", request_time: 1.174, upstream_response_time: "1.162", upstream_status: "200", connection: "17106", location: "-", upstream_location_response:"-", bytes_sent: "164744", client_ip: "<client_ip>", x_dynaTrace: "<dt_id>", host: "ram-nginx-auto-green", upstream_content_length: "163919", upstream_transfer_encoding: "chunked", sent_content_length: "-", sent_transfer_encoding: "chunked"}
|LOG_LINE| 29/Jul/2024:11:47:18 +0000 [presentation.access.cn_name:<session_id>: REQUEST ID=<request_id>] { uri: "/aries-presentation/", status: "502", referer: "-", request_time: 1.485, upstream_response_time: "1.469", upstream_status: "502", connection: "162407", location: "-", upstream_location_response:"-", bytes_sent: "1536", client_ip: "<client_ip>", x_dynaTrace: "<dt_id>", host: "ram-nginx-auto-green", upstream_content_length: "164626", upstream_transfer_encoding: "chunked", sent_content_length: "-", sent_transfer_encoding: "chunked"}
We have tried putting chunked_transfer_encoding off; in the node app location block but to no avail.
1. Why the response is 502 in 1.24.0 and 200 in 1.22.0 when the node app is sending both headers in the case of 1.22.0 as well as 1.24.0?
2. What can be done to resolve the issue since putting chunked_transfer_encoding off; in the location block is not working?