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Missing Content-Length header in large byte-range requests

Posted by akaufman 
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Missing Content-Length header in large byte-range requests
November 09, 2021 02:10AM
Hi All

I'm using NGINX as a reverse proxy, with a video origin server "behind" it.
NGINX caching is disabled.
Client's byte-range requests are forwarded as-is to the origin, which replies with the proper bytes and the proper Content-Length header.

When the client requests for a byte-range with a total size of less than 2k bytes, content-length header is properly returned to the client.
When the byte-range is bigger than 2k bytes, NGINX is dropping the content-length from the response that's coming from the origin.

Any idea why that is happening?
How can I make NGINX always keep the content-length header, even for byte ranges over 2k bytes?


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