Dear nginx support,
I am struggling how to setup nginx in order to preserve some specific group of query string params and at the same time to remove all the other present query params in origin url.
In specific I would like to only keep following query params in Url:
All the other params should be stripped off.
Let's say I have Url
This Url should be changed to (i.e "id=8" would be stripped off)
Problem is that I DO NOT KNOW which specific param could be called by end-user. In above example it is "id=8" but on he other hand I see in access.log also e.g.
In this case I see more unwanted query params ( "kh=191212145210061982" and "l=de" and "o=0" and "a=12211026094918233309" ) that I want to strip off to final URL
Basic question from my side: Is it possible to setup some general config rule that would only preserve whitelisted params - "utm_source" ,
"utm_medium" , "utm_campaign" , "___store" , "dclid" - and all the other query params would be stripped off?
Thank you for any help