Port 22: Broken Pipe
November 18, 2020 08:16AM
Hello Nginx Community,

I have an Nginx VM (built on Ubuntu 18.0.4) on a Proxmox VE Server. It is Reverse Proxying several other VMs.
Over the last 5 days, after a couple hours at best, my Nginx VM will lock up and I'll be kicked out of it. What does the Terminal tell me?

packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe

( is the Internal IP for my Nginx VM)

Afterwards, I will no longer be able to Putty into my Nginx VM or any of my other VMs, and my other Web VMs I'll be unable to connect to in a browser. The only solution? I have a Snapshot for when Nginx VM is in working shape that I rollback to on Proxmox. Then I can Putty back into my Nginx VM and other VMs, and can connect to the Web GUIs of these VM sites. Again though, I've been having to do this every couple hours daily, for about the last 5 days now. Before that, I've never had this problem before.

Any ideas what the cause of this problem is? From what I can tell, the Nginx VM isn't maxing out on disk space from what I've seen (it stays at 32%) and I have 11 GB assigned to the dedicated Nginx VM) and it has 4 GB RAM (which can sometimes run high).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2020 08:21AM by naupe.
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