Hi guys,
i'm n00b in nginx.conf and i must config my nginx server to serve playlist.m3u8 file from an external .mp4 file.
My server is configured with nginx 1.14.0 (Ubuntu based) and ngx_http_vod_module.so module (only this, no full Kaltura installed, i must use only this module, loaded in nginx.conf file)
The .mp4 file is placed in a reachable server (hostname/mp4folder/mp4file.mp4, i can download this file without any problem but i must take the playlist.m3u8 "on fly" by "hostname/mp4folder/mp4file.mp4/playlist.m3u8" link)
So... how can i config my nginx.conf or my nginx site conf to convert and serve in HLS flavour my mp4file.mp4? I know that i must call it in this way (by browser or Fiddler): hostname/mp4folder/mp4file.mp4/playlist.m3u8
I read https://github.com/kaltura/nginx-vod-module very well but all my tries were fail.
NB: my mp4 uri (hostname/mp4folder/mp4file.mp4) is stored in a var called ngx.var.mediauri, computated by LUA. At the end LUA call ngx.exec("@remoteHls") location, put in my custom site file. It reaches this location with ngx.var.mediauri correctly set but i don't know how to do ahah every try gives me 404!!!
Thanks :D