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pread() error

Posted by wolfgangpue 
pread() error
October 13, 2015 01:16PM

I have a video on demand server.
12x1 TB SATA2 RAID10 with 1Gbps connection, Debian 7 (ext4)

I have high disk utilization and so I wanted to make some changes to increase performance for big video files:

I made following changes:

sendfile off;
aio on;
directio 512k;
output_buffers 1 1m;

The disk utilization and the load average went down and the memory usage went up, which is no problem because I have enough RAM.
So far so good. The only problem is that I get often following error now:

[crit] 26649#26649: *39145 pread() "/opt/nginx/html/XXX/91.mp4" failed (22: Invalid argument), request: "GET /XXX/XX.mp4?start=2189.223&start_sec=2189.223 HTTP/1.1"

The client get then a 5xx response back.

I use a native HTML5 player and the kernel player for playback. The kernel player add a querystring to the request which I dont use. But only these requests produce the error and not every time.

Best Regards
Re: pread() error
October 08, 2020 06:44AM
Hi Wolfgang

I am also getting same error, if I keep directio 512k; then getting that error if request file size greater than 512KB, could you help me how to get rid of that errors

Thanks & Regards
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