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Looking for someone to write an HMAC authentication plugin

Posted by JacobSingh 
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Looking for someone to write an HMAC authentication plugin
April 02, 2009 07:20AM
We currently have a setup where we have multiple app servers sitting behind NGINX. We want to provide HMAC based authentication comparing an hash of the content or headers of the request against an authenticator using a known key (which varies depending on which URL you are trying to access).

Currently, we receive requests on port 80, send them to a python fcgi progam which does the logic, and then if successful we request (using python) to port 81 (not world accessible) which actually sends to the requests to the app servers. It has been mostly successful, and fast enough, but we're having some issues with fcgi threads timing out, and having to recreate them every so often. Having an integrates solution would be ideal. Even more ideal if it could be written in C just enough to get the request out to a script of some sort written in python, perl or ruby so our engineers could more easily modify it.

Anyone interested in discussing further?

Re: Looking for someone to write an HMAC authentication plugin
May 04, 2009 11:28PM
You can send detailed information to my mailbox.


Please include how long you expect this project to be finished within.
Also your bid please.


Re: Looking for someone to write an HMAC authentication plugin
May 06, 2009 10:09AM
You can send detailed information to my mailbox.

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