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Paying for issue with ODBC

Posted by killmasta93 
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Paying for issue with ODBC
November 27, 2017 09:45PM
I was wondering if someone is willing this freelance as I got stuck. Thinking that the problem was the php when i think its the NGINX connection to the PHP. The issue in hand is that trying to migrate an internal website which was on XAMPP to NGINX. I already migrated everything the issue is the connection to the Microsoft database SQL with the ODBC. I already installed all the packages and the php file gives connection. Whats odd is that when i go to the website and enter the username and password it should authenticate with the Microsoft database with it wont. I check the logs and get this

"PHP message: PHP Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect to data source, SQL state S1000 in SQLConnect

If someone knows how to fix this feel free to pm or write a message. And we will talk about the price

Thank you

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