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FTP proxy just like SMTP

Posted by manwe 
FTP proxy just like SMTP
June 24, 2013 11:13AM
Hi. My company is looking for and expert willing to write efficient FTP proxy, working almost like MailProxyModule. Preferably someone who already has written few modules or maybe is one of main nginx developers.

How it should work?
1. nginx is listening on port 21 (plain and starttls) and 990 (ssl),
2. retrieves login and password, sends them via auth_http to specified host,
3. if auth_http is corrent it sends data to backend FTP server (host, port, user, pass),
4. nginx connects with that credentials and from now on acts like transparent proxy between client and backend FTP server.

So like I've said, almost exactly like MailProxyModule.

Because we believe in Open Source we'd like to pay for this module to be written for us ASAP, but later (after further improvement and testing) we'd like to see it included in nginx sources and available for everyone. If you are developer we are looking for please contact me michal (dot) zajac (at) shoper (dot) pl.
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