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TLS SNI support for mail

Posted by lblankers 
TLS SNI support for mail
April 22, 2013 11:57AM
As discussed here (http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,237967) I am interested in TLS SNI support for the mail modules (SMTP, IMAP and POP3).

I am wondering whether a regular contributor to nginx, preferably one with knowledge of SSL, mail or both would be interested in developing this functionality. I would be willing to sponsor this development and donate to resulting code to NGINX Inc. I am just a private individual, not a big company. But in the same way people spent money on their car as a hobby I am willing to spend some money on furthering the development of open source software like nginx.

If anyone is interested please contact me to discuss options. Details like which version to patch, constraints, coding standard, quality, acceptance test and payment terms are all open for discussion.
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