Hi all,
I find a nice soft for have a shell access in webpage !! [b]Anyterm[/b]
It run with the supplied webserver, but it's not secure. All people can access to the shell, whithout identification.
anytermd -p 7777 --user=user
They prupose a method with mod_proxy of apache2.
Nginx could make the same fonction ? Because i'm still newbie with the story of proxy and reverse-proxy :)
For Apache:
<VirtualHost *:443>
<Location /anyterm>
# When someone visits /anyterm they'll be proxied to
# Anyterm on port 7676. ProxyPass http://localhost:7777 ttl=60
# There are various parameters that can appear at the end of the
# ProxyPass directive to control the maximum number of connections
# and so on. See the Apache documentation.
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:7676
# Allow only authorised users AuthType Basic AuthName "example.com"
# More Auth directives, depending on where your
# usernames & passwords are stored. require valid-user
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/example.com.pem
Nginx work fine with php-fpm, multihost, https, mod-H264. Perfect
Thx a lot !