I configured a nginx in proxy-reverse mode with caching. All is running OK. But my problem is for a domain that all of this is conformed with 301 permanent redirect.
For example:
tsj.fry.es has a 301 to http://tsj.fry.es/source/jurisprudencia-tsj-116
contratos.fry.es has a 301 to http://contratos.fry.es/libraries/contratos-5
and so on...
The "problem" is if I start with a clean cache, the redirect runs without problem. But when the cache has certain time acumulated, the redirect doesn't run. I assume because the petition doesn't arrive to the backend servers and is served directly by the nginx proxy, and it's doesn't have this redirect.
I know that I can put a redirect configured into the nginx configuration, but I would like to avoid this (if it is possible). Maybe putting a
proxy_cache_valid 301 1m;
I know that if I put this to "0m;" doesn't run in the manner we would like.
Anybody could help me, please? (excuse me my bad english :-/).
Thank you very much.