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using allow/deny and rewrite together

Posted by datibbaW 
using allow/deny and rewrite together
March 19, 2010 07:35AM

I have the following configuration entries:
location /admin/ {
allow x.x.x.x;
deny all;

location / {
rewrite . /index.php

location ~ \.php$ {

If someone accesses /admin/xxx the allow/deny rules are being honoured, but the user sees 404 (because the URL is not rewritten to /index.php)

If I add "rewrite . /index.php" in the /admin/ location section it rewrites the URL, but everyone has access.

Is there a better way?
Re: using allow/deny and rewrite together
March 19, 2010 08:58AM

Figured that changing the admin location block to this worked:

location /admin/ {
allow x.x.x.x;
deny all;
rewrite . /index.php break;
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